XWidgetSoft Forum

Backup and restore problems
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Author:  pike [ June 22nd, 2014, 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Backup and restore problems

Hi Everyone,

I encountered a very annoying problem - after some time xLaunchPad just reverts to a certain state and does not react to attempts to restore a backed up state.
I have tried quite a few things, but none of them really work.
My xLaunchpad is installed on a non-system partition (WIN7 x64) and has data stored on the same partition under My Documents.

edit: switched to portable version for the time being, seems to be working fine so far... :mrgreen:

Author:  Gerald 2016 [ September 4th, 2017, 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Backup and restore problems

Hello together!

Maybe it's helpful to know never use Xwidget into directory c:\program files (x86)\...
WIN10Pro: After updating from 1.92 to 1.96 and last to 1.97 i tried and it fails.
Backup and Restore don't work after copying my own created widgets, installing a widget was not possible.

My Solution: create for example the directory c:\BestProgram and install Xwidget 1.97 into.
Maybe you're missing your widgets that you created? No problem!
Copy the whole directory of 1.92 or 1.96 into the directory of 1.97 using first without replacing files.
If this doesn't work delete the directory c:\BestProgram, create c:\BestProgram again and install Xwidget 1.97 once again.
Copy the whole directory of 1.92 or 1.96 into the directory of 1.97 using second replacing files.
One of both solutions should work!

It's great that it's possible to delete the complete directory c:\BestProgram without uninstall!

Kind regards,

Gerald 2017

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